ADSB Indigenous Summer Transition Camps

ADSB Indigenous Summer Transition Camp
(June 2022) Once again, Algoma District School Board, in partnership with Great Lakes Culture 
Camps, will be operating ADSB Indigenous Summer Transition Camps for Indigenous 
students who are moving from Grade 8 into Grade 9 in the fall. Called 2022 Niibing -
Enakamigisyang (Things We Do In Summer), two camps will run this year, one in 
Serpent River First Nation, the other in Garden River First Nation, July 4 to the 22.
This unique partnership will involve culturally and land-based learning. Together 
students will explore language, visit sacred and historical spaces, discover ancestral 
food systems, develop outdoor skills, engage in paddle sports and water safety training 
and take part in local environmental stewardship initiatives. Upon completion of the 
program, students will be eligible for a high school credit and ORCKA (Ontario 
Recreational Canoeing & Kayaking Association) certification. In addition, the camp will 
integrate the development of skills that will assist in a successful transition to secondary 
Local First Nation elders and community partners will be invited to provide their expertise 
around well-being and mental health activities and supports. This year, we have 
teachers at both sites who speak Ojibwemowin to further promote language 
development at the camps. 

New this year, we are working with the ADSB Pathways team to incorporate a Mind over 
Metal (Welding) option for students. If a student from either site is interested in being 
hands on in a trades environment, they will have the option to work for one week with 
qualified tech staff in a shop.

Currently we have over thirty students signed up for the ADSB Indigenous Summer 
Transition Camps