Student Leadership
The Student Trustee is a member of the Algoma District School Board of Trustees and as such is part of the deliberations and decision-making of all matters brought before the Board. Some critical responsibilities of the Student Trustee are to represent the interests of students during deliberations of the Board of Trustees and to communicate Board decisions to system students.
Pictured at left 2024 / 2025 ADSB Student Trustees Addy McEachren, Cameron Ciotti & Northern Indigenous Youth Council Chair Georgia-June Abel. To learn more about these Student Leaders please follow this link.
In October 2018, ADSB approved changes to the Student Trustee Policy to move from two Student Trustees to three Student Trustees. Student Trustees have been and will continue to be elected from ADSB secondary schools. The Student Senate will elect two Student Trustees and the ADSB Northern Indigenous Youth Council will elect one Indigenous Student Trustee with final approval being determined by the Algoma District School Board.
Student Trustees represent the voice of students in decisions about education in Algoma, and help keep students informed about important decisions that affect them. The purpose of electing Student Trustees to the Board is to encourage and provide student leadership development and involvement in public service; to provide for the representation of student interests, to bring a student perspective to the deliberations of the Board, and to support strategies being implemented in Ontario schools.
For more information please call (705) 945-7111.
- share your ideas with government on how to strengthen student engagement and make Ontario's publicly funded education system even better.
- have a school culture where all students feel that they belong.
- work as partners with your teachers, and participate in school decisions that will shape your lives and the lives of your peers." (excerpt from Ministry of Education Website)
Project ABCD is a collaborative effort involving school boards, police services and community partners from the Algoma District. Formally implemented in September 2009, it is a community-based initiative targeted at deterring drug use in our upper elementary and secondary schools. ABCD stands for; Action for Building a Community that is Drug free.
Student leadership teams in all secondary schools throughout the Algoma Region develop Youth
Engagement Strategies to build awareness and to focus on drug prevention and education.
To date leadership teams have focused on three main areas:
1. ABCD Planning Teams in all Secondary Schools (Gr. 9-12)
2. A Theatre Production written and delivered by students to Grade 9 and 10 students throughout the Algoma region
3. Grade 7 and 8 Elementary Outreach Pilot – presentations developed in collaboration with the Algoma Public Health Unit, Sault Ste. Marie Police Services and Algoma Family Services to educate and build awareness of the health and legal risks and dangers associated with drug use.