Transportation » Transportation, Inclement Weather & Emergency Information

Transportation, Inclement Weather & Emergency Information

If you have any questions regarding the school bus location your child uses, please call the Transportation Department at 705.945.5642.
CLICK HERE for Bussing and Bus Route Information.
CLICK HERE for information about Bussing Alerts (cancellations, delays, etc).
When the Algoma & Huron Superior Transportation Services Consortium advises the Board of its decision to cancel bus transportation due to inclement weather or poor road conditions, an announcement of the cancellation will be made by the Board on the appropriate local radio stations and media, on our website and/or by automated messaging.
Cancellation of transportation does not automatically mean that schools are closed.  The Board will make every effort to keep schools open unless conditions are too severe.  Before a decision is made, our Board staff (in consultation with our co-terminus Boards), checks with local Board of Works and local Police on the conditions of area roads.  After the consultation, a decision is made, understanding that most parents need to get to work themselves and are unable to make arrangements for the care of their children on short notice if schools are closed.
If transportation is cancelled, and schools remain open, parents/guardians, will need to decide whether they are able to transport their child(ren) to and from school that day.  School staff will be available at the school to receive children.  We understand that attendance will be reduced, but this can be an opportunity for some students to receive smaller group instruction or even some individual assistance in a subject area. As always, you, as the parent, make the final decision as to whether or not conditions are safe for you to send your child to school.  
If schools must be closed due to severe conditions, parents and students will be advised through the local media and our website that schools are not open to students.  
Once children are at school, every effort is made to have them remain for the day and to transport them home at regular dismissal time.  However, in the rare, unlikely event that students need to be sent home  before regular dismissal, announcements would be made on local radio stations and parents of elementary students would be contacted.  If a parent can not be reached, the school would then call the alternate   contact people.  Secondary students would be sent home or to their alternate site.  This is why it is so     critical that parents maintain current contact information at their child’s school. 
For further information regarding cancellations, please contact your school principal.